Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pregnant Photographer!!

Hey I just found out that I am pregnant today!!! I am so excited because now I will have a little model to do all the photos that I want when I want! Well when the baby wants too :) I am excited and so ready for the challenge of being a pregnant photographer during the summer in North Carolina... Ha Ha I hear that it gets horribly HOT! I will be working as long as I can while I am pregnant! I am so ready for this challenge :) and Ill be also trying to get back in to school :) 


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ready for my photo shoots!

SO I have some shoots lined up to do but I am waiting on the weather to get warm. I have a few senior shoots and a couple shoot! I can not wait till it gets warm! Everyone says that by the end of March it should be starting to get warmer. :) 


Monday, February 11, 2013

The Weather in North Carolina

 I do not like the weather here! Oh my goodness make up your mind if you want to get warm or cold. I can not stand when it is warm for a few days and then gets really cold.  I just want it to get warm and stay warm so I can get out of the house! 
